Julia Nelzina deals with dentistry for adults and children, aesthetics and prosthetics.
- She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu, majoring in dentistry in 2003-2008.
- In addition to what he learned at the university, she has improved himself at various conferences and trainings both in Estonia and abroad.
- Has a certificate of competence issued by Estonian Dentists.
- She belongs to the Estonian Dental Association.
Long work experience in Finland!
Some of the training series / trainings attended:
- 2022 Modern concept for full ceramic crowns, Joseph Sabbagh, korraldaja Magnum Dental.
- 2022 Esmaabi täiendõppe koolitus hambaraviasutuse töötajatele, Jaana Palusaar, korraldaja TK Täienduskeskus OÜ.
- 2021 Vertikaalne preparatsioon. Vana kontsept modernses võtmes, dr Alina Ruzanova.
- 2019 Direktne esihammaste komposiit restauratsioon (dr Denis Krutikov), Meerhof Dental Kliinik & MTI Dental Academy.
- 2019 Profülaktika (dr Tetyana Peshko), korraldaja Dental Club OÜ.
- 2019 Ortodontilised kaped, baasteadmised- dr Mairi Korkka, korraldaja Lumi Dental OÜ.
- 2019 Ortodondilt hambaarstile 2019, korraldaja Eesti Ortodontide Selts
- 2018 Naeratuse rekonstruktsioon.
- 2018 Hammaste taastamine komposiidiga.
- 2017 Laser hambaravis või esteetilises kirurgias.